Bee EZ Apiary presents…

Care for a Colony

What is Care for a Colony?

Bee EZ Apiary offers you, your family, and friends the opportunity to become the best beekeepers you can ‘bee’!

Are you at the ‘bee’gining of your beekeeping journey and need to purchase your first hive?

Are you an established beekeeper looking for help or guidance managing and maintaining your hive??

Either way, Bee EZ is here to help!

Bee EZ’s Backyard Beekeeping Program

If you are wanting to ‘bee’gin your beekeeping journey, our Backyard Beekeeping program is for YOU!

We’ll help you choose a prime location for your hive(s) on your property. We’ll teach you all about the bees and how to best work with them and care for them. We’ll walk you through your options when it comes to hive set-up and then do just that, set you up with bees! By the end of the program you will ‘bee’ a self-sufficient backyard beekeeper; however, Bee EZ will always ‘buzz’ by to help if ever need ‘bee’! An education and a pollinator population?! Now that’s a powerful!

Apply for the program for FREE and start your journey now! Click the button below to view our application, complete, and return to

For those of you with established hives we offer ongoing care with our

Ethical Hive Maintenance

Contact us with your questions!

We would love to ‘bee’ of service!