Apis Mellifera - (Latin) the western honey bee

Apitherapy - (How Bee EZ sees it) to work with the honey bee and her products to improve the health and wellbeing of our living world

Did you know?…

The ancient Egyptians, Sumerians, Indians, and Chinese all had written text on the benefits of the honey bees & their hive products! The Ancients harvested honey, propolis, beeswax, and pollen from their bees to use for a wide variety of medicinal purposes.

Here at Bee EZ Apiary,

Using ancient wisdom, we ethically harvest our honey bee hive products to infuse in our handmade skincare, wellness, & apitheraputic products!

Bee Venom Therapy

When administered in small & controlled doses, honey bee venom can have medicinal benefits in treating autoimmune diseases, rheumatic conditions like arthritis, and can ‘bee’ very beneficial in fighting and preventing some cancers! Bee venom can lower high blood pressure and regulate the rhythm of the heartbeat! The prophylactic benefits are worth everyone taking a few stings now and again! However, we can utilize the venom to acutely treat certain conditions when the modern methods of medicine aren’t giving us what we seek.

Why Beeswax Skincare?

Beeswax is naturally rich in Vitamin A!

So when applied topically by using our beeswax infused skincare it promotes cellular rejuvenation; new cell growth! Out with the old, dry, broken, blemished, damaged skin cells and IN WITH THE NEW, healthy, moisturized, firm, & rejuvenated skin cells!

The Importance of Propolis!

The utilization of the honey bee and her products for therapeutic practices has been ongoing for centuries.

The bees are foraging for a few different things when we see them buzzing about! One of the carefully selected items the bees work to gather is resins/saps from plants and trees. The bees transform these resins into what we call ‘propolis’! This propolis is naturally antimicrobial in composition; it kills fungi, bacteria, viruses, it’s even found to shrink tumor cells at a rapid rate! The bees utilize it as a building material when constructing the hive as well as an immune system defense mechanism; they’ll coat the inside of their hive space with propolis, whether it be a hollow tree or a bee box at the apiary!

This natural immune support helps keeps the bees funk-free AND it can do the same for us!

Here at Bee EZ, we harvest raw propolis from our bees to craft an immunity boosting extract for us humans to ingest and aid our immune system! In our family we have personally seen our propolis knock out strep throat in a day! This stuff is powerful and precious and we are so grateful to bee able to share this beeautiful product with you! Our extract can be taken orally (we recommend mixing with a beverage) daily as a preventative measure or can be utilized as an acute treatment!

There are many uses for propolis! If you are interested in learning more email us in inquiry and we will share more with you on how we use this product to better our wellness as whole! Knowledge is only power when it is shared.

Why burn beeswax candles?

When beeswax is burning it emits negative ions.

Negative ions are attracted to positive ions.

Dust, mold, pollen, odor toxins, and other airborne allergens are positive ions.

So when we burn the beeswax candles the negative ions being released into our air are attaching themselves to the pollutants positive ions thus rendering them neutral!

The burning beeswax is cleaning the air; getting rid of the tiny particles that make us cough and sneeze and we like the sound of that!