Bee EZ Apiary

Montgomery, Texas

Bee-Friendly Removals & Rehomings

Call your local beekeepers at Bee EZ Apiary when you find a swarm or hive of honeybees and you’d like them to be relocated!

A total hive removal is absolutely necessary in every case and at Bee EZ Apiary we pride ourselves in the quality of our work in removing and saving the bees!

Please do NOT spray the bees. The chemical cloud created by an insect killing spray creates a horrible chain reaction in death that starts with the bees and ends with our beautiful birds of prey. Even if you’re unsure about the genealogy of whatever you’ve got buzzing around, the best thing you can do is call us and have us take a look. If it turns out they aren’t honeybees we can take other measures to cease the buzzing. But before you take any action on your own please give us a call, we would love to ‘bee’ of service!