An Alternative Path to Modern Medicine

It all begins when you're at the end. The end of your rope. You have tried everything you know to try and nothing seems to be working. The prescriptions and over-the-counters might give you temporary relief but they don’t actually fix the problem. This is when people typically turn to alternative forms of modern medicine. Notice we don’t say “alternative forms of medicine” but emphasize “modern” - because the utilization of the honey bee and her hive products have been around for millennia. Our ancestors knew the healing powers of the honey bee yet in our modern day we have strayed away from this ancient medicinal knowledge. To utilize the art of apitherapy is to return to a more natural and original way of healing the body and the mind.

Arthritis, Sciatica, Fibromyalgia, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's, Neuropathy, Melanoma, Lupus, Lymphoma, Atherosclerosis, Coronary Heart Disease, Arrhythmia, High Blood Pressure, HIV, Herpes, RSV, Candida, Irregular PMS, Menopausal Symptoms, Hyperthyroidism, Hypoglycemia, Shingles,

Arthritis, Sciatica, Fibromyalgia, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's, Neuropathy, Melanoma, Lupus, Lymphoma, Atherosclerosis, Coronary Heart Disease, Arrhythmia, High Blood Pressure, HIV, Herpes, RSV, Candida, Irregular PMS, Menopausal Symptoms, Hyperthyroidism, Hypoglycemia, Shingles,

Bee Venom Therapy

Apitherapy encompasses the utilization of honey bee hive components like propolis, honey, bee pollen, royal jelly, and even the bee venom.

The bee sting is actually thought to have been one of the earliest forms of acupuncture! Today, we use the bee sting to give relief of rheumatic symptoms caused by arthritis or other musculoskeletal conditions causing pain in the joints, muscles, and bones. We can also use the bee venom to stimulate the immune system which can be beneficial in treating autoimmune disorders such as Lupus and other various illness including Lyme disease! Bee Venom also contains several active molecules that have advantages in treating central nervous system diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s!

If you are suffering, please call, text, or send us an email with any questions you may have. Our bees may be able to help!


  • Honeybee venom has a unique composition including important peptides like mellitin and adolapin, enzymes like hyaluronidase, and amines like histamine and dopamine.

    When you are stung by a honeybee your body is introduced to these components. Mellitin, a prominent compound in bee venom, is associated with activating the immune system as well as being anti-tumor.

    Utilizing the bee sting for disease prevention, regulation, or treatment could ‘bee’ for you!

  • It is true that when the honey bee stinger penetrates thick skin like us humans have the stinger barbs itself into the skin upon puncture and as the bee separates from her stinger this causes fatal internal damage.

    But with our healthy queen bees laying thousands of eggs in our hives each day, we at Bee EZ feel confident that given the opportunity to explain to the hive why a small handful of their workers are being sacrificed each week the bees may understand our goal for greater good with their hive mindset!

  • Treating chronic pain and suppressing inflammation related to musculoskeletal disorders.

    Recent studies have shown therapeutic effects in treating Parkinson’s disease as well as other neurological disorders.

    The list of actual uses for bee venom that have been studied is impressive :

    Carditis, arrhythmias, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, AIDS, shingles, warts. mononucleosis, systemic lupus, b-cell enhancements, t-cell suppression, hyperthyroidism, hypoglycemia, PMS, irregular periods, eczema, psoriasis, hair loss, melanoma, moles, scleroderma, iritis, multiple sclerosis, chronic pain disorder, sciatica, arthritis, fibrositis, tennis elbow, ligament troubles, myalgia, bursitis, lymphoma, basal cell carcinoma, desensitization to bee venom.

  • Each of us are unique individuals. Some of us have a very mild reaction to the bee sting. Some of us need to carry devices like epipens to counter anaphylaxis in the case of being stung.

    If you have a known allergy to bee stings you are not a good candidate for bee venom therapy. However, those of us exhibiting only mild to moderate sting symptoms may utilize the stings even multiple times a week for treatment or prophylactic benefits!

  • Anti bacterial

    Anti viral

    Anti fungal

    Anti parasitic

    Anti inflammatory

    Anti tumor

Inquire about scheduling an appointment below

Book a BVT consultation

Bee EZ Apiary offers a mobile, come-to-you style, bee venom therapy experience.

We have found that being in a familiar and comfortable setting for the sting therapy can help calm the nerves and ease the mind for our more timid patients.

Our apitherapist will travel to your home* for your consultation as well as for your following treatments.
*this is only an offering for patient local to 77316 only. If you live farther away and are interested in a consultation and/or treatments please contact us to see if we can still help!

Consultations consist of a thorough medical evaluation to determine whether you are a good candidate for Bee Venom Therapy. Upon completion and approval of this evaluation you will receive your test sting. This will ‘bee’ the first step in formulating your unique treatment plan!

If you have participated in BVT previously and you are wanting to purchase bees for self-administration this is an option you have as well.

We offer bee delivery for our local (delivery address must be approved) apipatients.

'Bee' well , Bee EZ!

'Bee' well , Bee EZ!