Bees for an Agricultural Tax Exemption

Save money & help save your little corner of our world.

There are a few qualifications for your property to ‘bee’ eligible! Answering a few simple questions will help us determine whether your land will ‘bee’ a good fit!

With the help of our honey bees you can qualify for an agricultural tax exemption here in the state of Texas.

We, at Bee EZ, will set up some of our hardworking bees on your property & get you started with all the proper paperwork necessary to begin your exemption qualification process.

Once our bees ‘bee-come’ your little helpers we will still ‘bee’ taking care of them! We will come out to perform multiple inspections each month to ensure the bees stay happy, healthy, and up to standards for your exemption qualifications!

Have a hive of your own!

So you don’t qualify for an exemption but you’re still interested in having bees of your own?

Bee EZ can help with that as well!

Contact us to get started!

Contact Us For More Information or To Get Started!